Operating System Labs
Dept. of Computer Science, ECNU, Fall 2019
Time and Venue
- Lectures: Monday 8:00am - 9:40am @ 教书院 219
- Labs: Monday 10:00am - 11:40am @ 理科楼 B517, B519
Instructor: Yuanbin Wu
Email: ybwu[at]cs.ecnu.edu.cn
Office: 911 Science Building B
TA1: Xiaozhen Zhao
Email: 51184506053[at]std.ecnu.edu.cn
TA2: Yufang Liu
Email: yfliu.antnlp[at]gmail.com
Name Your Projects
StudentNumber_Name_LabX.zip (e.g., 10175110001_李明_Lab0.zip)
Submit Your Projects
Class 1: oslab2019_class1[at]163.com
Class 2: oslab2019_class2[at]163.com
- Project 0:
- Project 1:
- Project 2:
- Project 3:
- Project 4:
Lecture Slides
Timeline (tentative)
Plagiarism Policy
ALL participants will loss ALL credits of the project if any improper code/doc sharing is discovered.
Late Policy
- For P0, P1, late handins will NOT be accepted.
- For P2, P3, P4:
- Your group will have 3 “late days”.
- You need to email TA at least 1 hour before the deadline.
- If all your 3 “late days” are used, late handins will not be accepted.
Unix Programming
- Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment,
W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago
C Programming
- The C Programming Language,
Brian W Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie
Linux Kernel
- Linux Kernel Development,
Robert Love